Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting to know "US" - Kim and Carolee Cook

Well I know we are almost halfway into our journey and I'm just now getting this blogging thing down... with a little help. Now that I "get it" I am making a goal to write once a week and we'll see if I can make the twice a week appearance:)

Last night I had such a fun time reading through blogs for an hour. Afterward I really felt like I knew each of you better. Now I want to tell you a little bit about Kim and I because lets face, Kim won't blog... so unless I do it for the both of us you won't even know who he is.

I am doing this challenge, and it really is a challenge, with my husband James but everyone calls him by his middle name "Kim". I am 54 years young and this is the first time I haven't lied about my age either... promise. Better yet, I feel I can tell the truth, because Kim is 56. We have been married for 35 years and have five children: four boys and one girl. The oldest is 32 and the youngest is 18. We are also the proud grandparents of four grand-kids: three boys and one girl. We are so excited to have another little granddaughter join the family in May.

Kim works for Humphries in American Fork in their Sales Department and I'm a busy stay at home mother which is really never at home. As a CNA, I help an elderly lady once a week in her home and I design and make crafts. As soon as my youngest son is out on his mission (five month countdown), I would like to find a part time job.

I'm excited to be doing this 100 day challenge and I think Kim is also as I drag him along with me. On the days that I don't want to be there or I just want to quit, Kim is there to give me support, build up my self-esteem, and get me motivated for the 5:30am workouts. While I always have a million things on my plate and going in all different directions, Kim is very calm, quiet and kind. In a way, it reminds me of the "Tortes and the Hare".

I have had people tell me, "Oh you don't need to loose weight, you look Ok." I might look OK, and I might not  be obese, but high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart problems run in my family and a few years ago during a physical, I found out my cholesterol levels were really high. I was told I needed to loose weight and eat better. I decided I needed to work on what is going on inside my body and get control of it now before something major happens. The challenge, in a way, was the answer to help me. My parents both passed away 17 years ago. My father was only 63 and a diabetic going in for a kidney transplant and ended up with heart failure. My mother had cancer and passed away a year later at 61 years old. I am 54 now and six years left in my life is way too short. I am getting too close to their ages and want to take control now without waiting another day.

So far... it's been pretty good. The 4:30am mornings to get to our workouts have been draining with teenagers that come home late, but each visit has been well worth it. We have a great trainer that puts up with our oldness and we love him.... Yes, we love you Jeff! I wish I had been blogging form the start but better late than never. You missed out hearing about our basement flooding... twice and all the craziness that has happened. We are here though and ready to see what happens in this next half.

We are excited to be here and to get to know you all better. Until next week... or next time... whichever is first.